Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Judges and Show Management School

The Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Judges and Show Management School will be held at Penn State on February 20-21. Registration deadline for reduced fees is February 6. Late registrations received after February 1 must pay an additional $15.00 fee. Late registrations and walk-ins will be accepted as space permits.

The program is designed to train 4-H and open show judges, applicants for the Pennsylvania 4-H judges list, show managers, show committees, judging team coaches and members of horse judging teams. Volunteers and educators involved with local, regional or district shows should be aware of information presented at the school. Show officials are encouraged to attend the show management sessions to obtain current information for planning and conducting 4-H or open shows. Judging team members and coaches will be provided with current resources and judging techniques to help prepare for youth judging competitions including 4-H, FFA, and various breed contests.

Featured clinicians are: Dr. Bob Mowrey, North Carolina State University and American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) judge; Ms. Andrea Wells, Chair, Equestrian Studies, Savannah College of Art and Design and USEF judge; and Ms. Wendy Gruskiewicz, USEF and AMHA judge.

Mr. Brian Egan, Dr. Mowrey and members of the 2009 Penn State Horse Judging Team will lead the sessions for judging team members and coaches. Show management sessions will be presented by show managers and officials including Patty Kelly, Donna Zang, Donna Foulk, Lew Trumble, Scott Kelly and Chris Hayes.

Registration forms and program details are available from the Extension Office. The forms are also available on the Penn State Horse Program website at: - click on 4-H programs, then horse and events.

For more information contact Andrea Graeff at or 814-863-3957.

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