Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday Night (Afternoon) Sew In

Once again, I wasn't able to sew last night, which meant I had to do it in the afternoon instead. I had the boys last night, so I kind of had to be responsible and not leave them to their own devices. :)

But, I had an amazingly successful FNSI!

I completed my very first ever quilt! It's a mini quilt, but it's my first and I'm so very, very proud of it!!

It may not be perfect (and actually, it's really not! LOL!) but it's very, very special to me. :) There will never be another first quilt.

I also finished putting together the squares for The World's Ugliest Quilt. Avert your eyes, if you must. I completely understand.

Now, I need to add a border to it to square things up a bit, then quilt and bind it and it's done!

Lastly, I was able to sew up 6 sets of 6 strips

These will be sewn into tubes, then cut into 2.5 inch strips. Those strips will then be sewn together into squares like this

Which will then be sewn together to look something like this Scrappy Trips Around the World quilt. I'm making this one for hubby, hopefully for Christmas.

That's all I managed to get done, but I'm very proud.

I'm not sure how much more I'll manage to get done. I'm sick and miserable and I'm on the road all day today and have company all day tomorrow. So, I'm thinking the sewing machine won't be seeing much of me this weekend. :(

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Busy, Busy!

What a week! I've been so busy. Crazy busy, one might say.

Ok, well, for most people, it's not all that much, but for me, since I stay home most of the time, it's been busy. :)

I now have two boys that I'm babysitting three days a week. Tuesdays and Friday's I have them at 6 am until the bus comes to pick them up for school, then after school until around 8 ish. Wednesdays, just after school. Not a lot of time, really, but it's thrown a wrench into things here. We'll get used to it, get a new routine down soon. Just until then, things are a bit screwy.

I've been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to work on Christmas presents. I still have everything on my list that needs to be done, I haven't even started on the quilts for the kids and October is starting to rear it's head. I really need to get busy otherwise there is no way that I'll be done anything, much less everything, in time.

My stress level is rising!

So, today, I'm going out for a nice relaxing lunch with my mom at our favourite restaurant. It's going to be so nice! A chance to sit down without children, without pets, eat food someone else cooked. It's going to be heavenly! LOL!

Have a fantastic day everyone! I know I will. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reserve Your Seat on the Bus for the 2010 Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup

This year's 2010 Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup will be November 4-7, 2010 at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE), Louisville, Kentucky.

The state office sells extra bus seats for the trip to help defray trip expenses. If you are interested in one of these seats, please let me know ASAP so I can give your name to the state office to be put on the wait list. After September 29th, the state office will start selling all available bus seats.

Seats will be available on a first come, first served basis – we are taking the smaller bus and seating is limited! Any “youth guests” must supply their own adult chaperone and any 4-H youth must make reservations through your County Cooperative Extension/4-H office.

Cost for Guests
Bus transportation - $140 per seat

Room costs - per room per night prices (if you reserve with us) - add 15.01% room tax: Single - $105 Double - $105 Triple - $105 Quad - $105 (Rooms have 2 Queen beds)

At The Crowne Plaza, 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY 40209 (502-367-2251) – which we will be staying Friday and Saturday night – use cash or credit card to pay when you check out on Sunday.

NOTE: we will be staying in Lexington, KY this year on Thursday night at the Red Roof Inn (859-293-2626) – You must reserve a room through the state office – and we must pay for these rooms in advance!!

Kentucky Horse Park Admission – $9 adults; $6 children (7-12); under 6 free - off season rates

Livestock Exposition (Sat.-Sun.) Each time you enter the gate - $6.00 adults; $2.00 youth (12 and under); $25 pass for unlimited entry for 14 days*; $6 parking; $25 parking for 14 days

Awards Breakfast* – about $12 per person
* Sorry – estimated cost as current rates are not yet known.

The three bus pick-up locations (still tentative) are listed below. A confirmed schedule will be available at a later date.
  • Ithaca - Cornell – Morrison Hall
  • Hornell - Rt. 17/Intersate 86, Exit 34 – McDonald’s at Wal-Mart at 1000 State St. Rt. 36South
  • Salamanca - Rt. 17/Interstate 86, Exit 20 – Follow signs to McDonald’s – Park behindthe Seneca One gas station (next to McDonalds’s) at 935 Broad St.

Creative Critters September News

Alexander opened our meeting.
Jacob lead us through the Pledges.
Samantha took roll call.
Allie lead us through a 4-H song.

~All outstanding dues were collected.

~Elections were held and here are the results:
President – Allie Photographers – Tanner & Alexander
Vice President – Brian Health Leaders – Samantha & Jacob
Secretary/Reporter – Kylie Meeting Superintendent - John
Treasurer – Savanna Song Leader - Hannah

~Samantha will be leading an activity in November, Jacob in December, John in January,
Brian in February, Kylie in March, Alexander in April. All members are encouraged to lead a
project. Please let me know which month you would like.

~Binders and our next topic area were distributed.

~1 member, Alexander, will be moving up as a Junior.

~Tanner's family has grapes on their property and would like to host a club outing in
September to harvest and make jelly with the grapes.

~Stone House Vineyard – Sunday, September 12th at 10am. Please pack a bag lunch.

~Hannaford – Saturday, September 25th at 9am. Please bring your cooking unit and a pencil.

~We made english muffin pizzas.

~Hannah taught us how to make insect houses using large plastic coffee containers, screen
and hot glue.

~We created a food pyramid using labels we have been saving from foods we eat.

~We made birthday cards for Evergreen Valley Nursing home residents.

~Please have all outstanding assigned work completed by October 1st.

Community Service:
~Please have some ideas to share at our next meeting. This community service will be for
the month of November.

Next meetings:
October 1st 6pm. Please bring your binders and any materials you plan on including in
them. This meeting is only for binder and achievement night preparations. Please
bring a pencil.

Unbridled Thoughts

The Summer 2010 “Unbridled Thoughts” has been posted to the NYS 4-H Horse Program website at:

Tangled Reins News Report August 2010

August was our month to recover from the Clinton County fair.

Some of our members got new horses! Congratulations go out to
Jarod B. and his horse Autumn
Courtney L. and her horse Pippi
Abbie S. and her horse Barney

A lot of our member have been testing on new horses, or testing to higher levels of riding. Tangled Reins will be getting several new members in September. Look for them at the 4-H fun show on September 19!

Abigail and Courtney B. attended New York State fair in Syracuse. Abigail participated in the hippology competition, representing Clinton County. Their team placed 8th overall. Both Abigail and Courtney participated in hunt seat and western riding competition and placed in the top 10 in several classes.

Now, we are all getting ready for the end of the year fun show!! We are also getting excited about the new 4H year ahead.

Your News Reporter,
Courtney B.

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

President Barack Obama has issued Proclamation 8554 designating September 2010 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and encouraging all Americans to take action by learning about and engaging in activities that promote healthy eating and greater physical activity by all of our nation’s children. This proclamation appeared in the Federal Register (75 FR 54757, September 8, 2010):

Proclamation 8554 of September 1, 2010

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, 2010

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

One of the greatest responsibilities we have as a Nation is to safeguard the health and well-being of our children. We now face a national childhood obesity crisis, with nearly one in every three of America's children being overweight or obese. There are concrete steps we can take right away as concerned parents, caregivers, educators, loved ones, and a Nation to ensure that our children are able to live full and active lives. During National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, I urge all Americans to take action to meet our national goal of solving the problem of childhood obesity within a generation.

Childhood obesity has been a growing problem for decades. While it has afflicted children across our country, certain Americans have been disproportionately affected. Particular racial and ethnic groups are more severely impacted, as are certain regions of the country. In addition, obesity can be influenced by a number of environmental and behavioral factors, including unhealthy eating patterns and too little physical activity at home and at school.

We must do more to halt and reverse this epidemic, as obesity can lead to severe and chronic health problems during childhood, adolescence and adulthood, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Not only does excess weight adversely affect our children's well-being, but its associated health risks also impose great costs on families, our health care system, and our economy. Each year, nearly $150 billion are spent to treat obesity-related medical conditions. This is not the future to which we want to consign our children, and it is a burden our health care system cannot bear.

Earlier this year, the First Lady announced ``Let's Move!''--an initiative to combat childhood obesity at every stage of a child's life. As President, I created a Task Force on Childhood Obesity to marshal the combined resources of the Federal Government to develop interagency solutions and make recommendations on how to respond to this crisis. The Task Force produced a report containing a comprehensive set of recommendations that will put our country on track for solving this pressing health issue and preventing it from threatening future generations.

The report outlines broad strategies to address childhood obesity, including providing healthier food in schools, ensuring access to healthy affordable food, increasing opportunities for physical activity, empowering parents and caregivers with better information about making healthy choices, and giving children a healthy start in life. I invite all Americans to visit to learn more about these recommendations and find additional information and resources on how to help children eat healthy and stay active.

The new landmark health care law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), includes a number of important tools for fighting and reversing the rise of childhood obesity. All new health insurance plans will be required to cover both screenings for childhood obesity and counseling on nutrition and sustained weight loss, without charging any out of pocket costs. The ACA also requires large restaurant and vending machine operators to provide visible nutritional information about the products they sell, enabling all Americans to make more informed choices about the foods they eat. As part of my Administration's comprehensive approach to combating this epidemic, the ACA includes millions in new funds to implement prevention activities nationwide that support recommendations of the Task Force on Childhood Obesity.

Our history shows that when we are united in our convictions, we can safeguard the health and safety of America's children for generations to come. When waves of American children were stricken with polio and disabled for life, we developed a nationwide immunization program that eradicated this crippling disease from our shores within a matter of decades. When we discovered that children were going to school hungry because their families could not afford nutritious meals, we created the National School Lunch Program. Today, this program feeds more than 30 million American children, often at little or no charge. When we work together, we can overcome any obstacle and protect our Nation's most precious resource--our children. As we take steps to turn around the epidemic of childhood obesity, I am confident that we will solve this problem together, and that we will solve it in a generation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2010 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. I encourage all Americans to take action by learning about and engaging in activities that promote healthy eating and greater physical activity by all of our Nation's children.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.

(Presidential Sig.)

FR Doc. 2010-22590
Filed 9-7-10; 11:15 am]
Billing code 3195-W0-P


This year, Insectapalooza will be bigger and better than ever. The event takes place at Cornell on 23 October between 9 to 3pm. Enjoy this rare opportunity to view the fascinating world of insects up close and personal. Filled with family-friendly and hands-on activities. Experience the live arthropod zoo, live butterfly room, learn the latest in insect biology, educational games, and more. It is very suitable for 4-H students of all ages, from kids to adults. Free. Curricula and science-inquiry questions will be posted online.

For more information, visit their website:

National 4-H and TSC Partnership: Marketing and Fundraising Opportunities

National 4-H Council is thrilled to announce that we are partnering with Tractor Supply Company (TSC) on a multi-year, multi-faceted cause marketing and sponsorship program! TSC will provide support to 4-H nationally and locally through various retail fundraising events, such as Paper Clover Promotions, and offer special discounts and other opportunities to 4-H’ers.

Following are some of the exciting components of this program:

  • 4-H Memory Contest – Win a TSC gift card by submitting your favorite 4-H memory, visit the TSC website to learn more.
  • Out Here with Animals Event (Oct. 2, 2010) - Kick off National 4-H Week at your local TSC by participating in Out Here with Animals! See FAQ for more information.
  • Fall Paper Clover Promotion (November 5-14, 2010) – Save-the-date, more information coming soon!
  • TSC Reusable Bags (In-stores now!) – See FAQ for more information.

The FAQ provides all current information but more details are still to come.

If your group is interested in doing a promotional event at TSC, especially during the upcoming National 4-H Week, please contact the office for our local TSC contact's information.

New York State Fair Horse Show Results

Congratulations to all our Clinton County riders who went to the NYS Fair! Abigail B. and Courtney B. rode in the Hunt Seat division and Caitlin K., Tamarra C., and Mandy C. rode in Gymkhana. Caitlin earned 5th in Texas-T-Barrels Pony and 7th in Barrel Keyhole Race Pony. Tamarra earned 2nd in Straight line Barrels Horse Senior. Mandy earned 8th in Straight line Barrels Pony, 6th in Texas-T-Barrels Pony, and 7th in Bleeding Heart Barrel Race Pony.

More results will be posted as they are available. They can also be found on their website:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hell Holes

It sounds so ominous, doesn't it? Hell Holes....

But, as ominous as it sounds, it's actually an amazing local natural attraction. From their handout that you receive when you go:

"The Hell Holes Site with all it's natural and mystical wonder relates back to the glacial period for it's unique geological formation. Millions of years ago, this was the route of the Salmon River, now situated north of here. The constant movement of water wore the limestone into a "Karsts feature" giving an itricate pattern of rocky ground with overhanging ledges, mushrooom shaped rocks, caves, gullies, potholes and sinkholes."

We took our last trip of the summer there a few days ago and I thought I would share our photo's as well as some information about the area.

My son, very helpfully pointing the way we need to go. :)

One of the problems with being the one who takes the photo's is you're always in the back. My husband and my daughter, not waiting for me. LOL!

Although the beginning of the trail is filled with neat little crevices in the rock and huge holes that invite exploration, this is the first actual  site that is marked. The Devil's Horse Stable Cave

"The Devil's Horse Stable Cave which once reached far underground was dynamited shut for safety reasons whne it collapsed in the early 1900's. Legends tell us that Satan visited this area frequently and stabled his horses here! One strange legend was told of a headless horseman seen in this area on moonless ights in November looking for a new head to replace the one he lost to the Devil!"

This is my daughter exploring the Devil's Horse Stable Cave

My husband and son taking an even closer look

Right outside this cave was the most interesting rock formation. It looks like two slabs were dropped from the sky and landed standing straight up. If you've ever read The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, we called this one The Narrows. :)

The Hell Hole Cave is the main attraction of the site.

"The one well known Hell Hole Cave appears to be a large crevice in the limestone, but is a narrow shaft dropping down approx. 7.5 meters and widening into a cavern that wold hold 20 people (approx. 2x5x3.5 meters).

My husband taking the first descent. He was followed by the kids, with me bringing up the rear.

At this point, I need to tell you that not only am I afraid of heights, but I'm also very claustrophobic. The only reason I went down into this cave was to get photo's. I will never, ever do this again.

Here is what the cave looks like from the top, with someone going down the ladder

And the view from the bottom

The trip down is in complete darkness once the sunlight can't reach, with the rock wall brushing against your back the entire way.

I sat at the bottom of the ladder and gave the camera to my hubby to take some photo's of the interior. It branched off to the right and to the left. To the left (when you're facing the ladder) it extended quite a ways and reopened into a bit of a cavern.

I was never so glad to be out of a place in my life! Right out of the cave, the trail turns into the yellow brick road!

Next was The Natural Stone Bridge

And then on to the Valley Floor

And the Grumpy Old Man rock. It's not a marked part of the trail, we just found it highly amusing!

At this point, I'd like to just share a few photo's I particularly like from the valley floor. This was by far my favourite part of the walk. It's a gorgeous area!

If you look very closely, you can see my husband in the bottom left corner of the above photo. It gives you an idea of how far down we are. 
And some toadstools that we found growing out of a log
The last point of interest on the walk was Pillar Rock
 "Various shapes of rocks and boulders can be found throughout the valley with The Pillar Rock, showing distince features of glacial effects. During the Ice Age, rapid action of movig water under thick layers of melting ice broke down the softer layers of limestone at the base of the rock creating a pedestal pattern."

And last, but certainly never least, a photo of my family at the end of the walk. 

It was such a fun trip. A nice 3.5 kilomter walk through gorgeous natural wonders. Who could ask for anything better?

Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The End, Or A New Beginning?

I never know which one the first day of school is. Is it the end of summer, or a the beginning of a new year? It's so hard for me. I adore having my kids home during the summer, and I miss them so much when they're gone. But at the same time, this is the start of a brand new adventure for them. New class, new friends, new subjects, who knows what the school year will bring!

So, regardless of how I feel, I always send them off with a big smile and a hug. Well, no hug for my teenage daughter. She doesn't "do" hugs anymore. LOL! But, my son loves his hugs so he gets a really big one this morning.

The upside for me, is that now I have a ton of time to work on getting my house back in order and conquer my mountain of laundry. And, even better than that, I have time, lots and lots of time, to quilt! I have almost all my 4 1/2 inch squares sewn together, soon I'll be able to start assembling the quilt top for the World's Ugliest Quilt. I also have the Log Cabin Pine Tree's wallhanging I need to get started on for the FNSI. And, I've finally decided on a quilt for my son using my dad's old dresshirts. I'm going to make him a Brick and Stepping Stones quilt. He's going to love it! And it's a nice easy pattern for me.

So, I have lot's to keep me busy.

Tonight for supper, we're going to be having

Inside Out Ravioli's

1 lb ground beef
1/2 cup chopped onion
Garlic salt to taste
10 oz package spinach
1 can spaghetti sauce
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups small pasta shells, cooked and drained
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
2 well beaten eggs
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup oil

Brown beed, onion and garlic salt. Add salt and simmer. Cook spinach, drain. Add salt to sauce. Combine spinach, shells, cheeses, bread crumbs, eggs and oil.

Spread in a casserole dish. Top with sauce. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

We didn't get to have it last week, so I moved it to this week instead. It's such a yummy dinner!

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Fantastic Giveaway!

I just stumbled upon a wonderful giveaway at The Quilted Fish. If you're a quilter, or a wanna-be quilter, you're definitely going to want to get in on this one. It's filled with tons of fantastic goodies for you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Country Fair!

This is a two part post. First, I'm so excited to remind you all of the upcoming Friday Night Sew In! Just click on the image below and it will take you to the sign up form. It's a ton of fun, and you just might win a prize for participating! This will be my second time participating. I will be working on (hopefully finishing!) the pine tree log cabin wall hanging I'm making for my inlaws.

Be sure to mark September 17 on your calendars! You don't want to miss this!

Now, on to part two. :)

Yesterday the kids and I went to a local country fair. I have to say, I love, and I mean love country fairs. There is something just so, almost wholesome about them. We went on a couple of rides, ate fresh cut homefries, homemade pies, fresh made doughnuts and played bingo. It was so much fun!

The best part, though, as it always is, was the quilt show. I need to apologize first off for the quality of some of the pictures. The lighting wasn't very good, so I had to use my flash, it was cold outside, so everyone was in the barn to get warm, so there was a lot of jostling and I couldn't get into a very good position sometimes for the shot. But, I do have some gorgeous quilts to show you!

This first set of photo's are the "showcase" quilts and wallhangings. These are what greeted you as you walked in the door.

Some gorgeous wallhangings.

And the prizewinning quilts

I really love the middle quilt in this photo of three. It's hard to see in the picture, but lady who made it, used pits and pieces of different sized scaps, sewed them together to make squares. I will definitely be trying something like this when my stash gets a bit bigger.

That shouldn't take much longer. :)

This is my favourite quilt from the show. I love, love, love the colours and the pattern. I could have stood there for hours just admiring it.

There were some beautiful wall hangings inside the barn as well

And this is my favourite photo of the day. This little hen was very curious about my camera and what the heck I was doing!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Adirondack Critters August Club News

A wonderful new 4H club has been established in Saranac called the Adirondack Critters and we would like to introduce 4 new members Mercedes R., Austin R., Jenny C., Katie H. Last Wednesday we all met and had a blast, we also talked about what we'll be doing over the year. This Wednesday we built a plucky rooster and will be entering it into the Plattsburgh plucky rooster contest. To build our rooster we used wood, corn husks, and a variaty of fabrics. We are having a lot of fun in 4-H. We will be meeting next Wednesday Sep 8 and we will make our club banner for the Parade on Sep 11.

Finally! Nature Walk Photo's.

I mentioned the other day that the kids and I went on a nature walk. Well, I finally got all the photo's off my camera card and reworked so I can share some of them with you. :)

Here are my two angels by the river. I have to say, I was amazed at how much they look alike in this photo. They have my apple cheeks when they smile too, much to their dismay.

Right across from where they are standing, my daughter found this piece of birch bark that looked like a face.

Then my daughter found a very sad tree that looked like it needed a hug. So...

My daughter was a little more reserved, though. LOL!

I guess the tree was sad, but not all that sad to her. :)

This is my favourite part of the walk. You have to hike up a very steep hill, then back down the other side, but then you come out into a gorgeous gully filled with ferns and trees. It's so gorgeously green. I wish I could build a house and live here.

This is the bridge you walk on to cross the gully.

The kids were getting a bit silly here. This is my son pretending to be his favourite video game character, Link.

And my daughter. We all have a little Captain in us. :)

This tree is fascinating to every child (and adult!) who walks this trail. They call it the Grandfather tree. It's incredibly old, although I can't remember how old now, and the kids all want to climb it. Those who run the conservation area won't let them though. The tree would be destroyed in no time if they let the kids climb it. So, we just enjoy looking at it every time we walk by.

After our walk in the woods, it was off to the swamp

It's a fair hike across the boardwalk

But there is lots of life to see in a swamp, turtles, frogs, geese, ducks, depending on what time of year you go. This time all we saw were turtles and frogs. Cute, though. :)

And of course a tree that looks like it's sitting down, taking a rest!

Finally, waiting for us at our car was this little fellow.

As cute as he was, there was no way I was making friends with him. It's hard to tell just how big this snapping turtle is from this photo, but lets just say a hand reached out in friendship would not come back. :)

It was a fantastic day. Everyone had a great time, there was not was heavenly. :)

We're planning on taking one last summer nature walk, but I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate for us. There is a place nearby called Hell Holes with some natural caves and a gorgeous trail through a gully carved by glaciers. It's beautiful!

Have a fantastic day!