Thursday, March 25, 2010

Annual Hiving of the Honey Bees

CCE Essex County 4-H invites you to the Annual Hiving of the Honey Bees, 6 PM on May 5 at the Ben Wever Farm in Willsboro. A Pot Luck Dinner will be immediately following the hiving (drinks will be provided). Please remember this is weather dependent on the bees arrival from Georgia. All 4-H youth and adults are welcome.

Pre-registration is required by April 20, 2010. Please call 962-4810 to register.

CCE Essex County Bonafide Bovine Day

Essex County 4-H program will have a Bonafide Bovine Day on April 24 from 10 AM to 3 PM. This day will include all things bovine including dairy quiz bowl, hoof care, lunch, a movie and more.

NYS 4-H Dog Photo, Poetry and Video Contests

Deadline for State 4-H Dog Photo, Poetry and Video Contests – July 19, 2010
Theme in 2010 Is “Canine Global Impact”

The NYS 4-H Dog Program calls on youth affiliated with any CCE 4-H youth development program in New York to submit original photos, poetry and videos to an annual contest promoting youth capacity.

This year, the theme highlights the role dogs play in the family, the community, and the world. These roles include companions in times of stress and good times. Dogs work to meet the demands of growing health, safety and security concerns in the community and global venues. Population issues concern consumers and lawmakers. Entries may be serious or humorous as long as the subject matter includes a domestic canine. Did you know in 2009 the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets reported that there were over 800,000 licensed dogs in our state? That does not count New York City, which has a separate licensing department. It also excludes unlicensed dogs.

“For the past 4 years, we have discovered some amazing youth talent in New York,” says Dana Palmer, extension associate in the Department of Animal Science at Cornell. "We recognize the valuable contributions today's youth offer to help our communities engage in problem solving discussions. We look forward to seeing the students' creativity and new ideas."

Selected entrants will have an opportunity to have their work viewed by the public at the New York State Fair August 26-September 6, 2010 in the Youth Building at the Cynology (Dog Science) Display. In 2008 and 2009, quality youth photo and poetry entries became part of a 12-month calendar.

This is the first year a video contest has been added. The goal of these contests is to create messages that will inspire community involvement, educate the public about pet population issues and help share youth passion, creativity and ideas with others. Dog ownership is not required. Youth who have an interest and understanding of pet population issues can bring people together. These contests are sponsored by the Department of Animal Science in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program. No county qualifying procedures are required.

Entry forms and official rules for each contest can be found here:

Spurring the Growth of Your Equine Business

This seminar is offered by Morrisville State College on Saturday April 24th, 2010 from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

It includes the following topics:

Building Your Equine Business One Hoof Beat At A Time: Making a Living with Horses
Presented by Professor Paul Vosteen

Getting The Most “Bang” For Your “Buck”: How to get the Necessary Start up Funding
Presented by Farm Credit

Managing Your Financial Records Using Quicken And Excel: How to Grow Your Equine Business
Presented by MSC Students

Thinking Outside The Barn: Marketing Your Equine Business
Presenter TBA

Registration is $25 (lunch and handouts are included) and is due April 2nd.

Contact for more information:
Professor Sheila Marshman at (315)684-6106 or email at

Environmental Award and Grant Opportunities

2010 Brower Youth Awards
Deadline: May 15, 2010The Brower Youth Awards has launched the 2010 prize search for outstanding grassroots environmental leaders across North America to celebrate eco-activists, ages 13-22, leading the way to a green, just future. Six Brower Youth Award recipients will receive a $3,000 cash prize, an all-expenses paid trip to San Francisco to speak at an inspirational award ceremony, and media coverage.

EPA-Sponsored Environmental Justice Contest: Faces of the Grassroots
Deadline: April 8, 2010The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sponsoring this environmental justice video contest that challenges professional or aspiring filmmakers to create videos that capture the faces of the environmental justice movement. Videos can focus on any environmental justice activity, issue, or topic. Awards will be given to the winning submissions in each category.

International Children's Painting Competition
Deadline: April 15, 2010The United Nations Environment Programme's International Children's Painting Competition invites young people (ages 6-14) to submit their paintings on the theme to the relevant UNEP Regional Office. This year's theme is "Biodiversity: Connecting with Nature." The competition encourages children from all parts of the world to focus on particular environmental issues and how these issues affect their communities. Regional winners will be announced on World Environment Day, June 5, 2010. The regional first prize winners each will receive a cash prize and a trip for themselves and an accompanying adult to the Tunza International Children’s Conference in Aichi, Japan, August 2010.

Nominate a Young Environmental Hero for a $2500 Barron Prize
Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2010The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2010 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Half of each year’s 10 winners are chosen for their work to protect the environment. Winners each receive $2,500 to support their service work or higher education.

ASSET Summer Science Teacher Workshop-FREE

The Advancing Secondary Science Education with Tetrahymena (ASSET) program develops and disseminates a collection of self-contained laboratory modules for use in middle school and high school classrooms. Each laboratory module is built around Tetrahymena thermophila, a safe, easy to grow protozoan that is ideal for demonstrating many of the basic principles of biology.


The workshop is held at the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY from July 25- 27, 2010. A collection of our recently developed hands-on lab and activities will be presented along with our Biology & Society modules.

The modules are designed to stimulate independent, critical thinking, and to foster a fundamental understanding of key biological concepts using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach. In addition to the lab-based modules, cross-curriculum Biology & Society modules utilizing vigorous classroom discourse and debate to encourage students to critically evaluate the complex relationship between science and society are also available. ASSET receives its funding through the National Institute of Health.

Applications are available on our website.

All teachers will receive:

  • Free lodging at the Best Western University Inn.
  • A stipend of $100
  • In-service credit.
  • Access to ASSET’s Lending Library program.

Cornell Vet School Open House

This year's Vet School Open House will be April 10, 2010 from 10 am to 4 pm. Activities include:
  • Watch a horse exercise on a treadmill
  • Dress like a surgeon
  • Perform emergency surgery on teddy bears
  • Milk a cow
  • Learn how to become a veterinarian
  • Identify poisonous plants
  • Cuddle pocket pets
  • Listen to a dog’s heartbeat
  • Visit the petting zoo
  • Watch canine agility demonstrations
  • And much, much more!
Watch for the most up-to-date information on demonstrations and presentations at or call 607.253.3700.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Gone to the Dogs Weekend

DATE: June 11—13, 2010

LOCATION: 4-H Camp Wabasso, Redwood, NY (Jefferson County)

WHO CAN COME: All youth ages 8-19 and their well-behaved dogs.* Cloverbuds (age 8) must be accompanied by an adult. Youth will be required to enroll in 4-H if not already a member. Chaperones are needed, so please call to inquire about attending. Dogs must be at least 6 months of age. Dogs should have some basic obedience training. You must bring a crate for your dog.

COST: $75.00 per youth—chaperones $25.00. Price includes 2 nights of camping in rustic cabins, 4 meals, snacks, T-shirt, educational instruction and lots of fun!

REGISTRATION: Limited to the first 20 youth on a first come, first serve basis. Registration
and payment must be received in our office no later than Tuesday, June 1, 2010. Please enroll early to reserve your spot!

WHY?: To have fun with your dog; to build teamwork; to learn new dog handling skills and to meet other youth who love their canine companions too!

• Agility
• Rally Obedience
• Grooming & Handling
• Evening campfire with music, stories and snacks
• High ropes course (may be offered again!)


4H Club in Upstate New York to host Boer Goat Seminar

The Orleans County Meat Goat Producers 4H Club is hosting their first Boer Goat seminar. The seminar will be held May 15, 2010 at their local fairgrounds in Albion, NY. Boer Goat enthusiasts will travel from all over NY, and surrounding states to attend this impressive seminar.

Anton and Roger are the presenters for this seminar. Anton of Harrells, NC owns and raises Boer Goats under the farm name, Limpopo Boer Goats in Harrells, NC. Anton was born and raised on a farm in South Africa. He moved to the USA in 1993, when the Boer Goat industry started. He is a certified judge and inspector for ABGA. Anton has judged at the ABGA National Shows.

Roger of Cherryville, NC, owns and raises Boer Goats under the farm name, RM Ranch. He is also a certified judge and inspector for ABGA. Roger has had many goats place high in their classes at the ABGA National Shows. Anyone attending this seminar will walk away with a wealth of knowledge and a participation certificate.

The seminar will include: 1) Boer Goat Slide show and Boer Goat Breed Standards2) Trimming and fitting your goat for the show ring3) Judging and Selection of Breed Stock (Live animals demo Does, Bucks & wethers)4) Hands-On Showmanship clinic5) General information, basic health issues, animal welfare. 6) Questions and answer session7) Venders8) Basket raffle9) Seminar reference program with all the listed vendors and sponsors.

This small 4H Club has been working very hard to achieve some very impressive goals. Back in 2007, the 4Hers convinced their fair board that they needed a separate judge from the Dairy Goat program, since the two types of goats are judged on different standards. Since the start of their own program, they have to raised money for their goat pens and are now working towards a small animal scale.

The 4H Club put on an Open Boer Goat show last year and it was very successful. This year they have decided to host a two-day show and they have submitted the paperwork to have the show sanctioned with ABGA. SAVE THE DATE: October 9 & 10 is the date of the two-day show. Anton has agreed to judge one of the show days and the other ABGA Judge is TBA. For more details on the seminar or the October show please email: or call Annette at 585-737-2006 or Sue 716-735-7049.

Fulton-Montgomery Counties 4-H Dairy Judging Tour

Tour Date: April 24th , 2010 10:30 a.m.

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Fulton and Montgomery Counties is once again hosting a 4-H Dairy Judging Tour that is open to all 4-H youth from any county.

This year's Dairy Judging Tour will begin at Clay Hill Farm (On Clay Hill Road and will be hosted by Dr. Lisa Tobler and Kerry Stowell). The tour will also visit Stowdale Farm (also hosted by Dr. Lisa Tobler and Kerry Stowell) at 1545 Kennedy Road, St. Johnsville. and The Feagles Farm, 1481 Kennedy Road, St. Johnsville.

Please pre-register by contacting Bonnie Peck at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Fulton and Montgomery Counties by April 23, 2010. Please indicate name and 4-H age for each youth attending as well as a contact phone number and/or cell phone number of the adult bringing the 4-H member. Please bring a bag lunch for the day.

Directions: Take route 5 West from St. Johnsville past Repepi's and Lombardo's. Two-three miles further, veer right onto Old Stat Road. (please note: if you cross a steel bridge on route 5, you have gone too far) A short distance up Old State Road, at the stop sign, turn right onto Clay Hill Road. At the top of the hill is the farm with a white barn ad 3 silos. If you get lost, you can call (518) 265-9639. Directions to the following farms will be provided at the first farm.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4-H Baby Sitters Class

CCE Essex County will be offering a 4-H Baby Sitters class on April 12th from 11-3 PM and April 13th from 10-2 PM (it is a two-day class). You'll get to practice designing activities for children, learn how to organize your business, and learn CPR/first aid skills. This class is open to all youth ages 12 and older. 4-Hers can attend this class for free; those not enrolled in 4-H can attend for a $5 fee.

Registration is due to the Westport Office by April 2. For more information or to register, call 518-962-4810.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2010 Region 5A Horse Bowl and Hippology Results

Novice Team
1 Washington

Novice Individual
1 Austin
2 Talia
3 Mikayla
4 Ethan
5 Emma
6 Lindy

Junior Team
1 Clinton A
2 Washington
3 Essex

Junior Individual
1 Olivia
2 Rachel
3 Nellie
4 Ricki
5 Elizabeth
6 Abigail
7 Mila
8 Caleb
9 Pascal
10 Elizabeth

Horse Bowl
Novice Team
1 Clinton
2 Washington

Novice Individual
1 Mikayla
2 Austin
3 Talia
4 Johnna
5 Lindy
6 Emma
7 Ethan

Junior Team
1 Essex
2 Washington
3 Clinton

Junior Individual
1 Pascal
2 Olivia
3 Caleb
4 Ricki
5 Elizabeth
6 Camille
7 Lydia
8 Holly
9 Mila
10 Abigail

Dressage Clinic

There will be a Dressage Clinic at Sue's farm in Mooers, New York (call the office for directions if you need them) on April 17. The day's events start at 9 AM with a demonstration by Marty Stratton who will show a musical kur, the different gaits and dressage maneuvers. Then there will be a question/answer session. After the demonstration portion, interested 4-Hers will be able to take a 30 minute lesson with Marty (on their own horse that they have been evaluated on). Riders need to bring their horse's health paperwork to this clinic (rabies and coggins).

Western riders are welcome to participate in the lessons too.

Registration is due by April 9th--please call or contact the Extension Office to register.

To earn a point, 4-Hers need to participate in the opening demonstration and watch or ride in at least one of the lessons.

Farm-Alls February News

On February 13th, a couple Farm-Alls attended the chicken and rabbit clinics. A special thanks goes out to Melissa for helping organize this. Rachael who currently has chickens attended the chicken and rabbit clinic. Evan attended the rabbit session and was so interested that his family now has the addition of Benny the Bunny! Evan is excited to show Benny at fair.

The Farm-Alls met on February 21st to practice their public presentations and prepare for the "big day". On February 27th, our members attended Clinton Community College presented their demonstrations. We even had a guest, Kahne, son of Lacey, one of the leaders. Kahne is only one year old, but he was there supporting our members, decked out in his Farm-Alls hoodie. Look out - before you know it, Kahne will be a full-fledged member!!

Our club will meet again on March 28th at 2pm. We are going to work on grooming the minis and preparing for evaluations with the minis for horse camp.

Submitted by Evan (with help from his mother).

NYS 4-H Horse Program In-service

DATE: May 25, 2010 – Tuesday
TIME: 8:30 AM – Registration
PLACE: Morrison Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
FEE: $20 per person (Breaks and Lunch will be provided), Parking Permit (an additional $8)

8:30 AM Registration

9:00 Opening Remarks – Jeannie Griffiths, Extension Horse Specialist, Cornell University

9:15 Welcome to the Department of Animal Science! - Dr. Larry Chase, Department Extension Leader, Cornell University

9:30-10:15 “Quadrille – Something New! – What is it?” Denise Parrotte - NYS 4-H Horse Program Drill and Parade Chair

10:45-11:15 “Horse Guts and Math” Jean Griffiths

11:15-12:00 “Playing with Horse Guts and Math” Jean Griffiths

12:00-1:00 LUNCH – “Munch and Mingle Time!”

1:00-1:45 “Share Time” - CCE Educators, staff, volunteers, leaders, and teen leaders are
all encouraged to bring an idea, a project, a program or something that you think would be
of interesting and you would like to share with the whole group. Bring items for a
“Show and Tell” concept - make copies to be handed out if appropriate. Please keep presentations to 2-3 minutes, due to time limitations. You will have time to give the basic
idea – people can search you out later for additional information if they wish to.

1:45-2:30 “Quadrille on foot” – See what Quadrille is supposed to look like. Denise Parrotte

2:45-3:30 “Learning to Ride Patterns…One step at a Time” – Spike Holmes, retired faculty member from Morrisville State College, Delphi, N.Y.

3:30-4:15 “Putting it All Together” – Spike Holmes

March Kids Garden News

Check out the new edition!

This month. . .
Tapping the Universal Appeal of Cut Flowers
Family Room Feature: Growing Food for Others
Flower Power: Tapping the Universal Appeal of Cut Flowers
Cut Flower Lesson IdeasResponsibility 101: Teaching Life Skills through a Youth Garden Business
The Earth Shows Us the Way: A Curriculum for the Modern World
Teaching Kids about Native Plants: One Ohio School's Odyssey to Learn

...and more

You're Invited: Poultry Meeting this Friday (March 19) in Essex County

For those who are interested in participating the Essex Counties Poultry Meeting this Friday. Here is the information about the tractors they will be making. Please note, you are welcome to come just watch adn learn and NOT have to make one.


Take a look around and see what you have that you can substitute. I think if you buy everything new it would be about $30 ( with extra left over for future additions) You could make yours to be Permanently held together. I wanted something that could be broken down and stored.
That's why I used the panel design. Each panel is 3 feet by 2 feet except the ends which are 2 ft X 2ft. (top and 2 sides plus 2 end pieces).

FOWL PLAYERS March 2010 Meeting


What is this? This is a miniature version of a chicken tractor. Chicken tractors can be of any size or shape that works for you and your flock.
Chicken Tractors are used to move a number of poultry around to fresh “pasture” each day by nibbling grasses & bugs and scratching through lawn thatch 9 (dead brown grass from previous growing seasons) to aerate the soil. The manure the chickens leave behind breaks down and fertilizes the soil. The tractor also keeps the poultry safe from predators and out of spaces you don’t want them to peck and scratch in.
You will be surprised how lush & green an area will become after chickens have passed through.

Our tractors will be very small scale. Good for a dozen small chicks / ducklings/ guinea keets & and up to 2-3 full grown specimens. They are lightweight and will be individual panels that can be taken apart and stored flat when not in use. If you would like you can build additional panels to attach as your birds grow. There is no bottom on this tractorette as the birds are in contact with the ground directly.

They can be used on chicks transitioning out of the brooder or introducing new birds into your flock, exercising your show poultry, and even for isolating an ill bird. A board or something with weight would need to be used for unprotected outdoor use to prevent unwanted animals, wind, etc. from possibly knocking the tractorette over.


5 PVC pipes ¾ inch – I used 10- foot length pipe to cut to fit but you’ll need 46 feet total – Note: If you use a different size pipe make sure the connectors match the diameter you are using.
6- 3’ foot lengths
14- 2’ foot lengths
*We will make 3- 3 foot by 2 foot sections (3”x 3’) and 2 – 2 foot by 2 foot (2’x2’) 20 PVC 90 degree elbow connector (I did not use PVC adhesive but you may want to) Hacksaw Zip ties Gloves Wire cutters

2 foot wide Poultry Wire (13 feet is minimum needed but 14-15 feet is better for “extra” to wrap around) the smaller the diameter holes the smaller the bird that can use it, Poultry can’t get out and “things”
can’t get in.

**Reuse & Recycle! If you would like to come see and watch what we are doing and then recreate your own version at home, that’s OK. This is just my version and by no means the ONLY way to make something similar.
Please look around your farm/home and see if you can omit or substitute some of these items – perhaps 1”x2” wood, nails, hammer

Creative Critters Community Service and Field Trip

On Saturday, March 13th the Creative Critters delivered their money to the WOKO Big Change Roundup collection station at Wal-Mart. The members present gave our club's check and the 2 large hearts that were filled with the paper hearts they sold at the mall. In all, the kids raised $1,109.32. Great job!!!! The highlight of the day was the on air interview.

Following our money delivery we headed over to SUNY Plattsburgh's Fine Arts Building for our club outing. Here were given a guided tour of the on campus sculpture collection. The kids had a wonderful time learning about the different sculptures and answering questions. To end our tour, the kids had the opportunity to participate in a scavenger hunt with all questions pertaining to the sculptures. That was fun for the kids and the adults. We all had a wonderful time and encourage others to visit this wonderful place if you haven't already.

Submitted by: Carrie, Club Leader

Friday, March 12, 2010

Babbie Rural & Farm Museum

There is a new museum opening in Peru, NY. It's mission is to provide an environment where visitors can learn about the heritage of New York's rural and farm life. The museum has farm buildings you can tour to visit animals, see classic farm tools and domestic devives and experience corn shucking and shelling, among other things. They also have a tractor display, featuring steel wheel tractors and may more.

Regular museum hours are Wednesday through Sunday 10 AM to 3 PM from April 1st to October 31st and admission is free. They will have a grand opening event on June 12 and 13. For more information, call 643-8052 or email

Northeast Equine Expo

Here's an equine event passed on by the state office...
· 30,000+ attendees
· Memorial Day weekend (May 29th and 30th )
· Belmont Park, home of the Belmont Stakes
· This is the FIRST Northeast Equine Expo.
· Exhibit space expected to sell-out by March 31st.
· Sponsorships are available
· Advertisement opportunities available

Newly added exhibitors:

· Alltech
· Blue Seal Feeds
· Purina / Land 'O Lakes
· Dubarry
· Nutrena/CarGrill
· Southern States
· Triple Crown
· Chase Bank

Events include:

· Polo and racing
· Clinics
· Jumping
· Lectures
· Demonstrations
· Dressage

We are combining jumping, dressage, polo and racing events on the main track with a separate demonstration arena near the main expo hall that will provide ongoing clinics throughout both days.

Overall event map:

Layout of the main exhibit hall:


· No show of this kind has been staged to date at this historic venue!

· Nassau and Suffolk Counties generate an estimated $1 billion in equine revenues per year (Long Island Business News)

· Long Island has over 175,000 people involved in the equine industry as owners, riders, service providers, employees, volunteers and spectators and over 258,100 people statewide.

· NYS has more people participating in horse related activities than the states of Kentucky, Illinois, Oklahoma and Colorado. Only California, Texas and Florida combined exceed New York in equestrian participants.

· Over 60,000 horses reside in Nassau and Suffolk Counties and 60% are involved in English, dressage, western showing, fox hunting and recreational trail riding.

· We are partnered with major media outlets in the greater New York area, as well as many of the horse associations local and national. In addition, most of our exhibitors are promoting the event using their email lists and contacts.

Potential New 4-H Activities for 4-Hers in Middle and High School

I would love to have 4-H activities specifically for older members (those in middle or high school) but I just can't seem to figure out the best way to make that happen. So, I need your help! Here's your chance to design your own program--you know what you want a lot better than I do anyway :). Please follow this link to complete a quick survey--it shouldn't take too much time to do.

Thank you! I look forward to your responses!

Dairy Judging Tour

There will be two Dairy Judging tours on Saturday, March 27. The first will be at 10 AM at the Irwin's farm and the second at 1 PM at the LaPierre's farm. 4-Hers in the Dairy Project need to participate in two dairy judging tours before they are eligible to show at Fair.

For more information, please contact the Extension Office at 561-7450 or email

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ready Riders March News

March 7th some of our members attended the showmanship class at Daphne Wright’s.

March 4th we had a business meeting to discuss upcoming field trips. We discussed ways to raise money for the panel in the horse barn and community service plans. After the meeting we worked on craft projects.

February 25th our club met at Donna Gomez’s house to give our presentations to the elderly ladies that live there. While one of us gave our presentation upstairs the rest of us were having a jewelry making lesson from Donna. We had a lot of fun, the ladies enjoyed our company, and we’d like to go again.

February 22nd we did club presentations it was very helpful for us to get some practice in.

February 5th was our monthly business meeting. We watched a public presentations video and finished our ear warmers for our helmets.

By Isabelle, club reporter

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Opportunity for Dog Obedience Training: Clinton County Canine Club Partnership

The Clinton County Canine Club has generously agreed to allow Clinton County 4-Hers to participate in their classes at a reduced rate. The first class a 4-Her takes with the club will cost $30—club is discounting price to $45 and we have a small fund to cover a $15 scholarship (Classes are then half price!!). This scholarship is only for the first class--after that, 4-Hers would be eligible to join the Canine Club and would then pay only $20 a class if they choose to join.

A class is a multi-session event. For example, beginning obedience classes include 8-9 meetings once a week. One fee ($30 for the first class) would cover all 8-9 meetings of the class.

Show Handling, Puppy, and Basic Obedience classes open to all. More advanced classes need prior experience and approval of instructor.

Spring classes are tentatively set to begin April 12 and run for 8 weeks. The final schedule and registration information is on their website. Please also contact the Extension Office if you are registering for a class so we can send in our portion of the scholarship money.

Completion of one of these classes would count as a point for the 4-H Dog Project.

4-H Camps

As summer approaches and you are looking for new ways to enjoy the great outdoors, consider a 4-H Camp! We have two excellent camps in our region: 4-H Camp Overlook and 4-H Camp Wabasso.

Camp Overlook
Located south of Malone in the Adirondacks, 4-H Camp Overlook is operatedby the CCE of Franklin and St. Lawrence counties. Camp Overlook has highand low ropes courses and comprises 30 acres on Indian Lake. Programs include counselor-in-training, outdoor education, archery, sailing,canoeing, boating, swimming and aquatics. The camp is open to ALL children6 to 19 years old, both 4-H members and non-members alike.

4-H Camp Wabasso
There is a “secret” place within Jefferson County that is located on 177 acres including a sandy shoreline on Millsite Lake, 30 miles north of Watertown. 4-H Camp Wabasso is a secluded treasure that allows kids to enjoy the natural environment while in the company of friends, both new and old. From the time the sun rises until after sunset, activities abound. Children may swim in picturesque Millsite Lake, frolic on the sandy beach, play volleyball or a game of kickball on the recreation field. There are nature trails, educational activities, songs by the campfire, and challenges provided by both low and high ropes courses. Kids sleep in rustic cabins, eat great camp food in the dining hall, and generate memories to last a lifetime.

CCE St. Lawrence County Extension Learning Farm Program Opportunities

CCE St. Lawrence County has a beautiful Learning Farm in Canton, NY where it hosts a myriad of agricultural learning activities. Clubs are invited to partake in these opportunities. For more information about these opportunities or to sign up, please contact the St. Lawrence Extension Office: 315-379-9192.

Ag Field Days, May 21&22, June 3&4, 9:30 AM-1 PM $2 fee 4th graders
This program is specifically designed to increase students' awareness and appreciation of agriculture, NYS's leading industry. Presentations range from sheep shearing, dairy farming, locally produced foods, veterinary science, maple sugaring, and aquaculture. The program complements the fourth grade curriculum and brings to life the experiences shared in the book Farmer Boy.

Farm Tours and Tailored Field Trips April 19-June 18 $5 fee All Ages
Call to coordinate a visit that meets your group's specific interests and learning objectives. Select from a variety of class themes to build the perfect day long field trip. Options include:
  • livestock and agricultural demonstrations
  • aquatic studies and fish farm
  • maple sugar bush operations
  • food systems and agricultural appreciation
  • environmental education and wildlife
  • outdoor education (survival, orienteering, GPS, archery, etc)
  • team building and leadership

Maple Sugar Bush Tours and Programs March 8-26, $5 fee, All Ages

Book a tour of the Extension sugar bush while in the height of operation. Students will be exposed to forest ecology and tree health, tubing systems and maintenance, and the evaporation and finishing process. Of course there is usually a chance to sample the final product!

Farm Safety Days, June 10 & 11, 9:30 AM-1 PM $2 fee 5th Grade

Students will be exposed to a wide variety of safety topics that directly relate to their everyday lives. Safety professionals share their knowledge and personal experiences in a fun, easy to understand manner.

Shooting Sports Program Opportunity

CCE St. Lawrence County has announced registration for their 2010 Shooting Sports Program (youth from our 4-H program are invited to participate as well if they are interested).

This program is for youth 9-19 years old and their parents. Juniors (9-11) will work with air rifles and archery and Seniors (12-19) could also use rifles and shotguns. Instruction includes firearm safety, basic marksmanship, range procedures, and maintenance of firearms. Students will also be introduced to arhery, map and compass, GPS, and basic outdoor skills.

The cost is $25 per Junior and $35 per senior. Fee includes supplies, facility use, etc.

To reserve space in the class, call 315-379-9192.

Program Schedule
April 10, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Intro to Fire Arm Safety and Rifle Range
April 15, 1-4 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Archery
April 16, 1-4 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Orienteering and Survival
April 24, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Rifle Range
May 1, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Archery and Shotgun
May 5, 6-8 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Guest Speaker Animal Calling
May 15, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Archery and Shotgun
May 19, 6-8 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton- GPS and Geo-Caching

Everything Equine 2010

Everything Equine will be April 24-25, 2010 at the Expo Centre in Essex Junction, VT.

Enjoy the beauty and strength of horses through seminars, demonstrations and presentations focused on the equine lifestyle. One of the largest and most popular equine events in the northeast, come spend time with speakers and experts from every phase of equestrian science, industry,and competitive sports.

Tickets are available online at or by calling (802) 863-5966. You may also get tickets at Guy's Farm and Yard in Williston, Montpelier & Barre and at Adirondack Tack in Plattsburgh, NY.

Featured Speakers
David Davis is known as a champion rider, trainer and advisor, famous for having developed his system of “force free” training methods. Visit David's web site for more information about his technique and accomplishments.

Ruth Hogan-Poulsen, who learned horsemanship in Vermont starting as a young 4-H and Pony Club member, has become one of the most accomplished dressage trainers in the United States. She continues to offer clinics and training to aspiring riders around the world, and is well- known for her music and choreography of dressage freestyle patterns. Learn more about Ruth here.

Greg Prince made a name for himself breaking young horses and training riders while competing throughout Canada and the East Coast in the hunter & jumper divisions. Greg was a ribbon winner in the 1st/2nd Year Greens at Devon, Harrisburg & Washington, and has competed in the Grand Prix during the HITS Ocala circuit, the Vermont Summer Horse Shows and the Fidelity Classic. He continues to import horses from Europe and enjoys matching horses with riders. Find out more about Greg's riding and training experience.

More Information
Visit their website.

Marketing Opportunity

CCE Clinton County will have a table at the Plattsburgh Farmers Market from 9am-noon every Saturday the Market is open during 2010. The Master Gardeners will have 2 days month, ESNY will take one day, and the remainder are open for 4-H groups and Ag education. Any interested 4-H groups could do general 4-H displays or educational displays (we can't sell anything though). Weekends we currently have open are: June 5, July 3 & 31, August 7 & 21, Sept 4 & 18 (they are filled first-come, first-served).

This is a great opportunity for your club to educate the public about what 4-H is and what your 4-Hers do. If you have an idea for an activity or display for the Farmers Market, please contact the Extension Office.

Creative Critters March News

Creative Critters meeting was held on March 5 with 9 members present. Also present was a potential new member, Tanner. We discussed the National 4-H week plans with Tractor Supply. The members signed up for 2 hour shifts to help bag customers orders and sell 4-H clovers while talking about 4-H. We also attempted soft stone carving. The members learned that not everything will go as planned and that sometimes things do not work. It was a great learning experience for us all. We also made bubble painted papers. Our group voted that our next outing will be at ECHO. Everyone who went last year had a fantastic time. Our next unit will be about cooking. On March 13 we will be going to Walmart to turn in the money that we raised for the Big Change Round Up to benefit the Vermont Childrens Hospital. We do not have an exact number yet but so far we have collected over $700 for this cause. Good job done by all.

This entry was done by Samantha with help from Terri (mom).

Chattering Chipmunks February News

February was presentation month for the Chattering Chipmunks.

On February 11, we met to practice skills needed for public presentations. We played a variety of games starting with a story telling game to help us get comfortable with talking in front of others.

Many of the games came from the 4H Communications book. For the second portion of the meeting, the Cloverbuds learned to make peanut butter cookies and made Valentines day cards while the Jrs learned the process of running a business meeting. Our web-master debuted our new group site to keep us all updated and in-touch. We voted on what the third elective would be for March- despite heavy campaigning from the electricity crowd, woodworking won an overwhelming majority.

All of the poultry and rabbit project members participated in the Small Animal clinic on Sat 13th, earning their 1 point needed to show their poultry and rabbits at fair.

On Thursday the 18th we returned for a practice session for presentations. Liz Blaise came and listened and provided a critique of each presentation to help us improve. We planned to have her just watch the Jrs but it worked out for all the members who were ready to present to share. We all learned the importance of the military presentation- tell them what you will tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them and don't forget to say where you got your information at the end! She explained the importance of large pictures and neat large writing on the posters. We all learned a lot.

On the 27th of Feb, 21 of our 23 home-school members presented at presentation day. They all did a wonderful job. We thank the judges for all their wonderful comments and recommendations for improvement in the future.

Our choir continued to meet before the regular meeting. We hope to be ready to sing at fair.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Unbridled Thoughts

The 2010 Winter Unbridled Thoughts has been posted to the web-site at:

Block and Bridle Barnyard Fun Day

The Cornell student Block and Bridle club will hosting a Barnyard Fun Day for elementary/middle school students and 4-H members throughout NYS. The club invites families to spend a fun-filled Saturday learning about animals with undergraduate students in the Animal Science Department before attending the Vet School Open House which runs from 10-4

What: Barnyard Fun Day and Agriculture Education
When: Sat. April 10 (9am – 11:30am)
Where: Cornell University Livestock Pavilion
How? $1/child at the door

Demonstrations and Activities may include:
· Petting zoo filled with baby animals
· A chance to see inside a cow’s stomach
· How to make butter
· How to spin wool into yarn
· How to lead a goat through an obstacle course

Following these fun day activities, families are welcome to stay for a luncheon to be sold by the Collegiate 4-H Club. Spectators may also watch Cornell students at 12:30pm in their annual Livestock Show. Horses, dairy and beef cattle, pigs, sheep and goats will be on site for youngsters to meet their favorite animal.

For additional information, sample flyers and/or directions, please contact, B&B Club President: Katie Stayton – 315-427-1655 or 607-253-1155.
Pre-registration is not required; however, feel free to e-mail Katie with questions.

2010 NYS 4-H Horse Program Educational Events Rule Book

The 2010 NYS 4-H Horse Program Educational Events Rule Books are available! They are
posted to the web site at: click “Extension” click “4-H Youth Programs” click “Horses”

Changes for the 2010 Educational Rule Book will be highlighted in yellow for one year.

New York State Guernsey Calf Award Application

The Calf Scholarship Award Program is sponsored by the New York State Guernsey Breeders Association for the purpose of encouraging those who are not presently owning Guernseys to become involved with the Guernsey Breed. A purebred Guernsey Calf will be awarded to the applicant who shows interest in the Guernsey breed and who has demonstrated the capabilities of developing the animal to its fullest potential. Award will be presented to the winner at the New York State Guernsey Breeders’ Annual Meeting in April.

Rules for Procurement of Award
**Applicant must be age 9-15 as of January 1st of application year.
**You do not have to belong to 4-H, FFA, or a breed club to participate.
**To apply for this calf award, you CAN NOT presently own a Guernsey.
**If you win this calf, you will be REQUIRED to exhibit it in at least one local fair, and also at the New York State Fair for TWO consecutive years. If you do not exhibit the animal at the required fairs, the New York State Guernsey Breeders will make a determination as to the placement of the calf. Our purpose is to promote the Guernsey Calf Scholarship Program, therefore exhibition at the fairs is our prime opportunity to fulfill this mission. Applicant is responsible to find out in advance the requirements for entering at the local and State shows, including entry deadlines and shot requirements for each show. Your county 4-H agent or FFA agent may assist you. The New York State Guernsey Breeders would be willing to help arrange transportation for your animal to the New York State Fair.
**If you happen to fall on financial hard times during the first two years while caring for this calf and need to sell the animal, NYSGB has first refusal rights on buying the animal. You have the option of placing the animal back in the New York State Spring Sale once the animal becomes of milking age if you do not have the facilities to milk the animal.
**If a decision is made by the committee and the board of directors that no applicant is qualified, no calf will be awarded.
**Each winner will be also required to fill out a County Achievement Form each spring. Talk to the Guernsey Youth Advisor for this form.
**If problems arise in the raising of this calf, the New York State Guernsey Breeders Calf Scholarship Committee will be called upon to make the appropriate decisions regarding the calf.
**There will be a followup to check on the calf after 6 months until the animal is two years old.

All applications are due on April 1st this year. If you have any questions regarding this application, you may contact someone from the New York State Guernsey Breeders Association, or Guernsey Youth Advisor, Christel Axtell–607-761-9443 or 607-467-4365 or